This year for my office gifts, I passed out more than just a trinket. I really gave my friends and coworkers my wishes for good luck in the coming year. You see, tradition holds that if you are given a Bayberry candle as a gift from a friend, and you burn that candle on Christmas Eve or New Year's Eve you'll receive good luck, good health, and much wealth in the coming year.Burning a Bayberry candle
From tip to socket
Puts luck in the home and
Gold in the pocket.
Each year the chandlers in the candlemaking museum of our South Deerfield MA flagship store dip thousands of bayberry candles by hand, just the way it used to be done in colonial America. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility just down the road apiece uses our decades of candlemaking expertise to craft not only Bayberry tapers but also our best-selling Holiday Bayberry™ scented candle line. Those candles are our beacons of light, welcoming the new year with hope, anticipation, and glowing wishes for all!
Happy New Year!